What is acupuncture therapy ? It is a type of therapy in which very fine needles are inserted into different parts of the patient’s body and then rotated 360 degrees slowly 

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There are acupuncture points on different parts of the body where this procedure is repeated. Points include lower torso, ankles, arms,

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It is a technique used to treat a variety of disorders such as knee pain, neck pain, green headaches or body aches as well as IBS without medication

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IBS is a debilitating disorder, the symptoms of which require the patient to take regular medication along with their favorable food and drink, which can be very distressing for them 

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Patients continue to use the medication, but after a time patients move on to steps that minimize their symptoms of IBS other than regular medication 

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Among these measures, a variety of therapies are also very important. And peoples try to reduce the symptoms of IBS without the use of drugs 

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Acupuncture therapy for IBS is done using different methods such as selecting different parts of the abdomen and head and then inserting very fine needles into these parts and then carefully rotating them 360 degrees 

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It is thought to activate the sensory nerves and transmit information to the brain, and the brain releases chemicals that reduce the sensation of pain of IBS.

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