We know that IBS is a very painful disorder and the patient is unable to lead a normal life. 

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Because the real cause of IBS is not yet known, it is not possible to cure it completely. Of course, efforts are being made to reduce its symptoms. 

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Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. IBS Patients are not like people at all, their breakfast is not like normal people. 

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IBS patients are very thoughtful and only eat selector breakfast 

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If you suffer from IBS and are very worried about breakfast, then you should use dry bread and honey along with it.

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If you already have symptoms of IBS in your stomach, drink cold water. Otherwise, use hot water with breakfast as mentioned above. 

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If you have IBS-C, then drinking hot water will stimulate your digestive system and the contents of the intestines will move forward. 

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Similarly, if you have IBS-D, you should drink cold water with honey for breakfast. 

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As far as honey is concerned, if it is original available, it helps a lot in reducing the symptoms of IBS. 

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If you eat breakfast with honey in the morning, you will reduce the symptoms of IBS during the day. 

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But one thing that is very important for this is that you should have breakfast with honey and avoid eating anything else.

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