Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a digestive system disorder in which the patient shows symptoms that cause him great discomfort. 

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People go for some therapies which can help them to get rid of these annoying IBS symptoms. One of these therapies is biofeedback therapy.

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Biofeedback therapy is a form of non medicinal therapy that enables the patient to control some of the involuntary actions that take place inside the body instead of taking medication. 

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Involuntary functions such as blood pressure and heartbeat, respiratory system, nervous system, etc. are involved. 

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Biofeedback therapy is used to treat a variety of diseases, especially those involving involuntary actions, if any problem arises. 

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Diseases and disorders such as heart disease, diarrhea, mental illness, stomach disorders, blood pressure, body muscle disorder, Depression, IBS can be treated. 

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It has to do with the muscles, that is, the ability of the muscles to function determine over time. 

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It has to do with the brain, that is, the nerve messages that go to the brain and from the brain to the body are examined and tried to control it. 

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This is not a permanent solution for IBS, but with other measure like food habits, behavior adjustment and with prescribed medicine you can got benefit from this therapy.  

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