IBS is a disorder in which the patient has to choose the food very carefully so that the patient has the least symptoms. 

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As far as the dates are concerned, it is a very useful and important food in IBS. 

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It also activates the digestive system and is very good and energetic for health anyway. 

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Dates will help to reduce the symptoms of IBS if  use in proper way. It will also bring a pleasant feeling. 

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The fiber in dates will also play an important role in softening the food inside the digestive system and moving it forward.

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If you are suffering from persistent IBS symptoms then you can benefit from the following procedure. 

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You boil a glass of water and add six to eight dates in it and let it lie for ten minutes. Then take a sip and drink it, it will benefit you a lot 

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Your body, It will become lighter and will also stimulate the digestive system in such a way that along with the dissolution of gas. 

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IBS will also significantly reduce its symptoms. One thing to keep in mind is that use hot water 

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Make sure you walk for at least half an hour after eating and walk too fast which will get you out of the washroom early in the morning and you will feel very light and healthy. 

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