Vegetables in which broccoli, cabbage and Cauliflowers are notable very important for health.

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IBS patient cannot eat all the vegetables like a normal person but can eat cabbage and cauliflower only in salad. 

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Cabbage is used as a salad and is a healthy vegetable. Similarly cauliflower is also used as food and curry. 

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Their use reduces IBS symptoms. Because they have a high amount of fiber which makes it easier for food to pass through the digestive system

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When it comes to the use of cauliflower and cabbage, it is very useful in IBS. 

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But the condition is Cabbage and cauliflower can be used as salads only. 

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If IBS patients use cooked cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli or as a curry and use more red pepper inside the curry, there are chances of showing signs of IBS 

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These symptoms are mainly due to this red chilli as it is inserted inside the curry.  

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If faced with such a situation, you can use hot water bottle, dates with warm water, and contact to your doctor

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