Cupping is an ancient form of treatment that seeks to cure a variety of disorders without the use of medicine. Special cups that can be made of glass, plastic, clay, bamboo, silicone, animal horns 

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. This vacuum is suctioned with a flammable substance such as alcohol, paper, etc. Which spreads  skin and blood vessels 

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Before the cup is inserted, small cuts are made on the skin which removes extra cellular fluid and a small amount of blood and then the cup is cleaned after separation. This procedure is done continuously for 5 to 7 minutes 

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These different types of disorders like blood pressure and headaches, to treat pain in the body, mental distress vessels, skin problems, sexual problems  

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Because it is an ancient method of treatment and people have been treating themselves with this method since ancient times and even today cupping is used for IBS treatment 

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Small and large cups are placed on different parts of the abdomen and head and extracellular fluid is drawn to some extent 

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Acupuncture is also a relevant techniques that are people using to correct the pain 

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Before cupping, you should discuss this in great detail with your regular doctor. After that, it is better to do this work with mutual thinking and cupping can be beneficial 

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Patients with IBS should have their cupping done by a specialist so that its side effects like infection etc. can be prevented 

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