People who suffer from domestic problems, do not take long to develop symptoms of IBS. 

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The main reason for this is that as soon as the brain is burdened, the digestive system reduces working.

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Digestive system does  not work properly and gas complaints, as well as confusion in the stomach, leads to diarrhea or constipation.

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If there is a situation where domestic matters are not being resolved and there is constant distress and there is possibility for an emergency situation .

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And it can be so rapid that you may have to go to the washroom early. And you may experience loose motion. 

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Finance is emerging as the biggest problem in the present era, money is needed to meet household expenses and money can be earned with great difficulty. 

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Parents always want their children to be together and not have differences between them. These people get it on their minds which causes constant anxiety. 

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Parents whose children have differences with each other are always upset and their minds are confused and the result is IBS.

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once a person has IBS, he or she has not to constantly take care of himself or herself, Symptoms may appear. 

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Try to avoid the thoughts or worries that are causing you symptoms of IBS  Try to be happy

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Try to connect with each other.  If it’s your fault, admit it.  Excuse me.  If things don’t work out for you, leave them alone.

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