When it comes to barbecue, it is worth mentioning that it is  spicy and roasted meat delicious. 

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For a normal healthy person, barbecue is a favorite and good food, but for IBS patients, it is inappropriate and can cause IBS symptoms. 

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Meat with fat-free, well-cooked is very good for IBS patients, but undercooked or undercooked meat can show gas-like symptoms in any case. 

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Similarly, barbecues are also a major contributor to the symptoms of IBS. 

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The main reason is that the spices in the meat are important for showing the symptoms of IBS.  

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People who regularly eat meat and especially meat cooked on coals suffer from stomach related issues. 

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Spices and meats that contain high levels of red pepper can also cause gas and IBS symptoms. 

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If you are an IBS sufferer and want to eat barbecue too, you should take special care that you make barbecue without spices and red pepper. 

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Cook it very well so that it is cooked from the inside. Similarly, do not use the sauce that is used with barbecue at all. 

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If you have IBS and have eaten spicy barbecue, drink plenty of water as soon as possible. Use oranges if available. 

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Ice cream can reduces the symptoms of IBS due to barbecue 

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