About 10 -15 % of devolp world is suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Due to these symptoms, the patient cannot live his life easily and also can suffers from mental anxiety.

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Symptoms includes gas, cramping, Diarrhea or constipation 

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IBS patients also need to be very careful in the selection of food.  

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Patients needs to take food that keeps their digestive system correct and does not cause complications. 

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A type of food that contains short chain carbohydrates i.e. sugar which can be digested by the small intestines but cannot be fully absorbed is called FODMAP 

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A food that contains less fermentable sugars and carbohydrates. And shoes less symptoms of IBS. For example Oranges 

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A food that contains a lot of high fermentable sugars and carbohydrates sugar and cause a lot of gas and discomfort in humans. For example, apples, pears 

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IBS patient needs a diet that causes the least symptoms is low FODMAP. so, the patient is always looking for such food, which is low FODMAP.

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Considering the FODMAP, a question that arises is whether a diet that is suitable for one patient of IBS can also be suitable for another patient.

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It is never possible that a FODMAP food is suitable for an IBS patient, but when the same food is used by another IBS patient 

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For example Strawberry is a fruit and this fruit has a low FODMAP. It has been observed it is good for some IBS patients

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If he eats, his constipation ends and gas is not produced usually. 

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While the same food i.e., strawberries, if eaten by another IBS patient who has diarrhoea, his discomfort increases and gas may produced.  

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Some important points should be kept in mind as to why this diet gives different results for both patients. Following view points can be considered. 

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When dehydration is more common IBS patient can get constipation. 

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 Within each country, the same vegetable  is cooked in different ways.

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Red pepper is not more favorable in IBS as compare to black. 

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Each patients has its own body metabolism. In addition, how is his digestive system, accept or rejects food. 

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Each patient should make a food chart according to his symptoms. And must adjust accordingly.

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