As far as the presence of yellow or white mucus in the stool in IBS is concerned, it is absolutely correct. 

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Frequent bowel movements and secretion of yellow or white color mucus with bubble-like Suds are also a symptom of IBS. 

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If a person has eaten a diet that is not at all conducive to IBS and has started to show symptoms, then there is a strong possibility that mucus will be excreted along with the stool. 

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Yes, mucus is excreted in almost all types of IBS but its nature is different. In IBS-C, since the stool is hard 

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Mucus can be seen coming out of the body and it will be jelly-like in structure. On the other hand in IBS-D it will be more watery.  

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Yes, foods such as potatoes and foods with high FODMAP intake are more likely to cause excess mucus in the IBS. 

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Here also the results are seen according to the patient and thus the type of IBS is also very important here.  

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This condition is more common in patients with IBS-M than in those who have symptoms of IBS-C or IBS-D. 

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