There is a lot of stress in IBS due to Okra. IBS patients can eat it but tolerate painful symptoms. 

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Okra shows the symptoms of IBS but does not do so much that you have to go to the emergency. 

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Because it contains mucilage, it has the ability to form a viscous substance in the digestive tract that can pass through the intestines with great ease. 

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On the other hand it plays an important role in creating gas problem inside the intestines which leads to discomfort. 

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 Excessive use of red or green chilies in Okra can also cause severe discomfort.

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If you are an IBS patient and want to eat Okra, remember to eat it for lunch and try to get oil out of it if it is made in oil. 

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Similarly, if you want to eat Okra at night, it is better to avoid it because at night it can cause symptoms of IBS 

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If you are using Okra at night, eat ice cream as soon as possible and try to go to bed early so that you get less symptoms. 

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Similarly, if sleep is not available soon, then walk for half an hour. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay

When using Okra in IBS, be sure to avoid fried in oil and avoid eating large amount of Okra. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay