Spinach is a green leafy vegetable and is an iron rich diet. 

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It plays an important role in meeting anemia and other iron deficiency related disorders 

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Spinach is eaten with great interest in Asia as well as in the rest of the world and is no less than a blessing for a healthy man. 

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It is cooked and eat with a potatoes, with meat and as a simple curry. 

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Although the use of spinach is welcome for an ordinary person, it is not at all favorable for an IBS patient. 

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After the eaten of spinach, the intestines begin to show signs of gas as well as IBS related symptoms

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The cramping of IBS begins which causes pain. Due to spinach, the gas moves back and forth in the intestines causing distress to the patient. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you are using spinach and you have started showing symptoms, tap over hot water bottle, or warm cloth on the stomach and intestines .

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Try to get you to sleep a little quickly because you will continue to show symptoms as long as there is spinach inside your body. 

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Get up in the morning and drink hot water and walk for half an hour to get your digestive system empty quickly. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Use medicine only when the symptoms are not controlled and medicine only what your doctor has prescribed to you. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay