IBS is a chronic disorder and the patient is living in constant difficulty. The main reason for this is the changing symptoms of IBS 

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sometimes the patient has abdominal pain, sometimes intestinal pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas and abdominal discomfort

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Patient has to take various measures to minimize these symptoms. The main reason for this is that the treatment of IBS is not yet possible 

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Apricot is a fruit and it also contains almonds. It is a very delicious sweet and nutritious fruit 

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It belongs to the Rosaceae family and can be found in different regions of the world. 

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If IBS patient consume ripe apricots while the symptoms are ongoing, they will have substantial benefit in eliminating IBS symptoms 

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The main reason for this is that it contains fibers and fibers strengthen the digestive system and if there is IBS-C and the food is stuck in the intestines 

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If an IBS patient who eats or drinks food that triggers the symptoms of IBS consumes apricots as soon as possible, it will reduce the symptoms 

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Apricot is good for IBS in every way. That is, if it is eaten fresh, it is also beneficial in IBS 

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It is also very useful if it is made into sauce and eaten without adding ingredients that increase IBS 

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