Mango is a very tasty fruit and in Asia and other world it is easily available in summer season. People love to eat it and it is also called the king of fruits 

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Mango contains a lot of minerals as well as carbohydrates which play an important role in balancing the body’s metabolism 

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Research also show’s that eating mango is beneficial for IBS patients. 

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It is beneficial in two ways. If one has IBS-C, then consumption of mango dissolves constipation and softens the bowel. 

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If the food is stuck in the digestive system, it also helps to push it forward. Mango is helpful in balancing the digestive system. 

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IBS-D, on the other hand, has the general benefit of balancing gut movement as well as helping to replenish minerals in the body that are rapidly depleted due to diarrhea. 

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If you have IBS, you can eat mango as you wish. It does not hurt. If it is necessary to use plain mango, if you put some additive in it which is suitable for IBS. 

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Mango Juice, Mango Pulp, Mango Shake, Mango Ice Cream etc. in which only mango is used gives benefit for IBS.  

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If there are severe symptoms of IBS-D, its use should be stopped. It dilutes their stool. In IBS-D, the stool is already thin. It can do harm instead of benefit.

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Un-ripened mango can be harmful.  If you use mango with milk, you may have gas problem

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Take care of your hygiene while eating mango as not doing so will definitely put you at risk of infection.

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