Peanuts are a nutritious food that grows in sandy soils. The plant provides seeds in the form of  pods in the roots along with soil fertility. 

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It is then roasted and then made usable. It is also very tasty and healthy. It is also used in sweets and is eaten anyway. 

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Observations have shown that the eating peanuts is not compatible with IBS. 

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You may suffer from intestinal pain as well as pain in colon. 

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People mainly eat peanuts at night in cold weather. This is great for normal people and people who are not suffering from IBS.

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On the other hand, it is not good for people who have IBS. It causes pain in the colon, mucus in the stool and issue of gas in digestive track. 

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If the patient eats it at nigh, So person will spends the night in trouble and distress. 

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People suffering from IBS seem to say for peanuts that it is not suitable for them. 

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If you are consuming large amounts of peanuts and you are experiencing severe IBS symptoms, use warm water as soon as possible. 

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Get up in the morning and do not eat anything. Eat only yogurt with sugar and plenty of water on top of it. 

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By doing so, the contents in the intestines will be easily expelled from the body and the symptoms will be reduced. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay