Potato is a very desirable food and people eat it happily and it is almost the most preferred vegetable among the vegetables and so is the vegetable used. 

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People love to eat it in the form of chips and we can easily get these made chips from the market for a small amount of money. 

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Potatoes come to give you energy when you don’t have a normal diet and you buy packets and also homemade chips are available. 

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Potatoes is a very useful vegetable for a normal person, but it is not suitable for patients with IBS. 

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For people who suffer from IBS-C, when they eat potatoes, their digestive system will start cramping and it will continue till it comes out of the body of the cramping person.

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At the same time, the problem of gas may also increase.  

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It has been observed that potato starch increases the symptoms of IBS and causes anxiety as well as mental confusion in IBS patients. 

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IBS patients should try to reduce the consumption of potatoes as it can cause symptoms of IBS.

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The pain will start in the colon and lower part of the abdomen. At the same time, gas problems in the stomach will also increase. 

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If you have eaten potatos, best solution is to drink excessive water and even plain water that does not contain minerals. If available, use deionized water. 

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People with IBS try to avoid consuming potatoes. it can bring symptoms of IBS in the person. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay