Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a disorder that makes the victim unable to lead a normal life.

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An IBS patient sometimes complains of gas, abdominal, constipation or Diarrhea . 

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An IBS patient tries to eat a diet that make the least discomfort and leads a healthy life. 

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Cucumber is basically a vegetable that is eaten very fondly as a salad.  

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Cucumber is very good for normal person as it has high water content which helps to compensate for dehydration.  

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After eating cucumber with in large quantity, the symptoms of the IBS patient begin to appear. 

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Some peoples use different spices with cucumber for more delicious taste.

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This can be very bad for IBS patients and it can enhance the symptoms of Irritable Bowel syndrome. 

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If you are suffering from IBS and have eaten cucumber and you are also showing symptoms of IBS then try to eat meal full stomach.  

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In order to reduce the cramping that is happening due to cucumber, take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay