In men with varicose veins, a cluster of veins inside the testicles, which causes a blood flow stoppage. The the vein inside testicles do not discharge blood properly and it remain in the veins, causing pain. 

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The main reason for this is that the valves inside the veins in the varicose veins get damaged and do not close properly, the blood stays there instead of proceeding in a natural way and causes pain. 

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We know that IBS is a neuro-gastrointestinal disorder in which the digestive system does not work properly and causes anxiety for the patient.  

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There is pain in the colon and also severe gas issues formed. When someone with IBS also has Varicocele, this condition can cause pain in the testicles. 

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The main reason is that if a person has IBS-C and constipation, due to constipation In the same way, if the intestines bloated due to gas, and the vein can cause blockage in the blood due to gas pressure on Gonadal vein. 

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 IBS pain  Pain in testicle  Abdominal pain due to testicle  Pain in testicles due to IBS symptom

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The best and best way to do this is to try to get rid of the symptoms of IBS as soon as possible, even if you use a hot water bottle and turn it over get specially on large intestine. Drink plenty of water to soften the food. 

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Try to use the medicine prescribed for IBS. Use fiber etc. so that the food stoppage in the gut becomes soft and is expelled from the body. 

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If it is discharged, the obstruction in the gonadal vein will removed and blood supply will be restored and varicose pain will also be end. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay