Travel headaches and irritable bowel syndrome

Last Updated on August 28, 2022 by Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Traveling may not be the cause of IBS symptoms, but it is clear that constant travel disturbs your nervous system. The body releases chemicals that cause headaches.

As we know, IBS is a disturbing digestive disorder. It does not cause recurrence of cancer or other life threatening diseases but it is also a fact that an IBS patient experiences a distressing situation and his life is not at all like normal people.

For Detailed and comprehensive information about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Click Here

This is because the symptoms of IBS can be disturbing and painful and sometimes such a patient has to go to the emergency hospital.

According to research and observations so far, IBS is not a deadly disease but it has been with humans for years.[1]Irritable bowel syndrome – Wikipedia

People who suffer from IBS have to adjust to every aspect of their lives with a lot of forethought and with minimal symptoms of IBS. Whether it’s eating and drinking, emotional states or all over life.

Complaints of IBS and headache

There are many causes of headaches, one of which is mental distress. It is normal for a person to have a headache if they are very anxious or in a situation where their nervous system is under pressure.
On the other hand, it is also worth noting that the symptoms of IBS such as abdominal pain, etc. can cause mental distress or more often IBS due to mental distress. So we can say that mental illness can cause IBS as well as headaches. [2]Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Migraine and Co-Existing IBS-Migraine in Medical Students (

How travel shows the symptoms of IBS

Traveling may not be the cause of IBS symptoms, but it is clear that constant travel disturbs your nervous system. The body releases chemicals that cause headaches.

Similarly, as soon as the nervous system is disturbed, it also affects the digestive system and its symptoms may appear.

And if you have to travel or you are traveling, you have started eating foods like potato chips or using carbonated water, then you will start showing symptoms of IBS. You may experience severe headaches as well as gas and cramping in the abdomen.

How do IBS patients travel?

If an IBS patient plans to travel long distances, the first step is to avoid traveling on an empty stomach. Be sure to eat something that will help them in IBS in normal life.

Use water little by little while traveling.

Keep in mind that IBS patients should try to rest or sleep for a while immediately after the trip.

This will relax the nervous system and reduce your IBS symptoms. If there is a headache due to fatigue of the nervous system due to travel, then it will also be relieved.

Written By:

  • Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Reviewed By:

  • Dr. Muhammad Khan Malik
  • Syeda Noor-ul-Ain Naqvi

 For Reviewer Detail Click Here

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