Effect of pickles on IBS and its natural solution

Last Updated on September 20, 2022 by Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Pickles make food very tasty. Pickles of various vegetables and raw fruits are added and people eat them with great relish.

People all over the world are fond of pickles and pickles are made in a good way. In Asia, there are regular pickle markets and pickles are served with food from small hotels to big hotels.
Some food points are famous because of the pickles. That is, pickles must be in the center of spicy (chit-patty) foods.

Irritable Bowel syndrome is a disorder of gut by which people can not live a normal life and in this disorder there will be disturbing and pain full symptoms.

For Detailed and comprehensive information about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Click Here

IBS and pickles

Just as we know that people who suffer from IBS may have unhealthy eating habits, so too may the use of pickles may not be good for IBS patients.

We have a lot of patients who seem to be saying that when they use pickles, their digestive system goes bad and they start camping. It creates digestive discomfort, which is manifested in the form of IBS.

In the same way, the formation of gas is also accelerated because if the peritoneum in IBS does not remain normal, then the gas will never move. Sometimes it moves backward. And this process continues until the waste is expelled out of the body. [1]Association between Diet and Lifestyle Habits and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Case-Control Study (nih.gov)

How to solve IBS symptoms due to pickles

If you are suffering from IBS due to meals, you should use hot water. It will give you way for a while. You will try in this situation. Do not use medicine because the content will remain inside.

You will continue the IBS Symptoms. To get waste from your body quickly, add sugar to yogurt and eat it. Drink two glasses of water and walk for 45 minutes continuously.

This will greatly benefit you.
Diabetics should not use sugar.

Written By:

  • Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Reviewed By:

  • Dr. Muhammad Khan Malik
  • Syeda Noor-ul-Ain Naqvi

 For Reviewers, Detail Click Here

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