Benefits of eating figs in irritable bowel syndrome

Last Updated on August 28, 2022 by Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Fruits are very nutritious and they are the part of the plant that contains the seeds inside and above the fruit. Animals use this delicious part and help to throw away its seeds.

Fruits are also available in fresh condition and are easily available in the market even in dry condition. Figs are one of the most important fruits That are available both in fresh and dry form. [1]figs.pdf (

How to eat figs in IBS

As we know, IBS is a digestive disorder and its symptoms can be a source of anxiety for the patient. 

For Detailed and comprehensive information about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Click Here

The use of figs in fruits in the diet has significant benefits in reducing the symptoms of IBS. Figs, whether fresh or dried, are very important in reducing the symptoms of IBS. [2]Comparison and Assessment of Flixweed and Fig Effects on Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Predominant Constipation: A Single-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial – PubMed ( [3]Microsoft PowerPoint – NICE BDA Irritable bowel syndrome dietary information resource ( 

How to eat figs in IBS

Figs can be eaten fresh form and in dry form. In fresh form it can eat directly as well as with milk. 

The use of dried figs after eating at night is very suitable.

The method of using figs at night is as follows.

Take a glass of water and boil it well. Now wash seven to ten figs in boiling water and leave it for 10 mints after that you have to drink this hot water and figs. This will make you sleep better and you will be free from the washroom in the morning.

Inside the fig fruit are small seeds, as well as a good amount of fiber as well as gelatin material which is effective in softening the food in the esophagus and pushing the food forward. Due to which the digestive system becomes lighter and the patient leads a happy and normal life.

Written By:

  • Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Reviewed By:

  • Dr. Muhammad Khan Malik
  • Syeda Noor-ul-Ain Naqvi

 For Reviewer Detail Click Here

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