Frequently asked questions about IBS : (2)

Last Updated on October 3, 2022 by Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Which diet is suitable for IBS?

As far as diet is concerned, an Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patient should be very careful with their diet. Foods that cause symptoms should not be eaten at all. It is up to the patient to decide which diet suits them best. What is and what is not. In general, a low fodmap diet is suitable for IBS patients.

Is High-Fiber Supplements has Benefits in IBS?

Yes, a diet that is high in fiber can help with IBS. This is mainly because fiber softens the food, making it easier for it to move forward in the digestive tract. Due to which constipation is not possible and the symptoms of IBS-C can reduced.

Which diet should be avoided in IBS?

In IBS, a patient should avoid foods that trigger symptoms. It is up to the patient to make a list that includes foods that are not causing symptoms. In the light of this list, they can stay away from the particular type of food that was causing the symptoms next time.

There is a special medicine for IBS?

No, there is no proper treatment for IBS. The main reason for this is that scientists have not yet discovered the root cause of IBS. Medicines are used to relieve the symptoms. Which medicine to use depends on the conditions and symptoms.

Colonoscopy can diagnose IBS?

Not at all. IBS is a functional disorder of a digestive system in which the coordination between the brain and the digestive system is lost or reduced, but apparently both systems are fine, there is no fault in them. Therefore, if we want to diagnose IBS, colonoscopy is of no use.

Why does diarrhea and constipation occur in IBS?

The main reason for this is that the nervous system and the digestive system are out of sync, causing chemicals to be released that sometimes cause diarrhea, which means that a lot of water is thrown out of the body. Or on the other hand constipation when stop to release water with stool.

Can IBS be reduced if we reduce our worries?

Yes, of course if the problems, tensions and stress will be reduced and the effect on the mind will be very less, then the result will be that the symptoms of IBS will be reduced.

When can Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) end?

IBS is a long-term disorder. Once it’s start, it’s very difficult to get rid of it. If adapts to the calculation of reduction, it will benefit to a considerable extent.

Under what circumstances can I have IBS?

It can happen if there is a continuous problem i.e., If there is an infection and the infection stays in the body for a long time, it can happen. Or eating foods that irritate the digestive system for a long time can lead to IBS.

Where is the special place of IBS pain?

It has been seen that there is cramping in the stomach in IBS. As for the question of IBS pain, pain in the colon is a special symptom of IBS.

How does a person feel in IBS?

A person who gets IBS does not feel well, his digestive system is also disturbed and his mental system is also disturbed. Irritability comes.

IBS can causes blood in the stool?

IBS does not cause blood in the stool. If there is a complaint of ulcer along with IBS or cancer etc. then blood may come.

How can IBS be cured?

IBS cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be reduced to lead a normal life.

Can Psychotherapy cures IBS?

Psychotherapy is useful for IBS but we cannot say that psychotherapy cures IBS patient completely. There is benefit but not complete solution.

Does IBS cause back pain?

There is no direct relationship between back pain and IBS, if you have IBS, if you will also have back pain. It is certain that if the body becomes weak due to IBS, other diseases will also occur along with it. May include back pain.

How can IBS be diagnosed easily?

It is diagnosed by keeping the symptoms of IBS in front. Symptoms like gas, constipation, pain in the colon persisting for 15 to 20 days, this is IBS.

What is the best diet or foods for IBS?

The best diet or food in IBS is the one that causes the least symptoms of IBS. It is not happening, you have to adjust yourself accordingly.

Probiotics are helpful in reducing the symptoms of IBS.

Yes, foods that are rich in probiotics can help reduce the symptoms of IBS. This is because probiotics help digest food and are beneficial for the digestive system.

How do I know if I have IBS?

If gas starts forming continuously in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea without infection, constipation starts continuously, pain in the stomach, colon pain, then it means that you have IBS.

IBS can have Nausea?

Nausea is not included in the symptoms of IBS, so if such food is consumed that disturbs the gut, nausea can also occur.

IBS can kill me or is fatal to me?

IBS does not cause death, but the patient has to endure painful symptoms.

Is IBS an autoimmune disorder?

No, IBS is not an autoimmune disorder. In this disorder, the gut does not function properly and there is difficulty in digesting food properly.

Constant stress can lead to IBS?

Being constantly worried can cause IBS. Being constantly worried, the brain is not able to give the proper commands to the digestive system because it is itself disturbed, due to which the digestive system does not work properly and the symptoms of IBS starts, in the result.

Reviewed By:

  • Dr. Muhammad Khan Malik
  • Dr. Muhammad Zubair Chaudhary

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