Can I eat pineapple in Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Last Updated on September 21, 2023 by Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

What is pineapple?

Pineapple is a fruit that is found all over the world. It has a sweet taste. Due to its taste, it is used to make many types of cakes. It is also loved as a food in all regions of the world. It is also a favorite food of children and adults. This fruit is useful gut specially intestines. It contains magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, carbohydrates and fluoride.[1]Pineapple – Wikipedia

It is a fruit that is low in sugar when it is fresh. If it is fresh and its juice is made, the amount of sugar in it is also reduced. That is, this fruit and its fresh juice have a low fodmap. But when this fruit is not fresh and its juice is also packed in cans, the amount of fructose in it increases, meaning it becomes a high fodmap. Because fructose is a type of sugar. But one thing is taken into consideration that if syrup is mixed in its juice while packing, it will have a high fodmap. But if packed in a normal without additives, they will have a low fodmap.[2]

What is a FODMAP?

A food that contains short chain carbohydrates and cannot be completely absorbed in the gut is called a fodmap. It has two types.

High fodmap and low fodmap

High FODMAP Food

A food that contains a lot of sugar and this food is not fully absorbed is called a high food map.
For example, yogurt and ice cream, Dairy-based milk.


A food or fruit that is low in sugar and completely absorbed in the stomach. Such food is called low food map. For example: Rice, Almonds, macadamia nuts

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

IBS is a chronic gastrointestinal disease. Due to this disease, the patient does not die, but it becomes difficult for the patient to live. Its symptoms include diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, gas, cramping in the intestines, pain in the colon etc. IBS patients need to be very careful about their food and drink.

These symptoms vary within the patient. Due to the change in these symptoms, the patient may also suffer from mental sickness. The patient always tries to avoid these symptoms. But when the patient gets these symptoms, he has to face a lot of pain and anxiety.

  • Patients use various methods to reduce the symptoms that cause IBS.
  • The patient first changes his diet.
  • Keeps himself busy with work.
  • Starts exercising.
  • Also changes his live style.

So that these symptoms are reduced.

There are many types of IBS, but the most common are IBS-C, IBS-D, IBS-M.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diarrhoea IBS-D

IBS-D is a condition in which the patient gets diarrhea and it can also cause inflammation in the intestines. This is called IBS-D.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation IBS-C

There is one type of IBS. In which the patient is constantly constipated and has to face restlessness in the washroom. Still, the IBS-C patient does not sleep well and sometimes has gas.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Mixed IBS-M

In this types of IBS both constipation and Diarrhoea may occurs and victum may confused about the type of IBS due to continues changing the symptoms.

For Detailed and comprehensive information about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Click Here

IBS and pineapple

Pineapple is a fruit that has a sweet taste. It is useful for bowels. Pineapple is a fruit that is low in sugar and is beneficial for IBS patients in some extent. Because IBS patients use a diet that does not cause IBS symptoms and is low in sugar. People who have IBS and want to eat pineapple. They should consume pineapple after meals.

If the patient eats Pineapple after meals, it helps in digestion of the food a lot. IBS patients should eat Pineapple because it contains fibers that can help in the digestion and absorption of food and the elimination of oxidant material. Thus it leads to health for IBS patients.

IBS-C and pineapple

If a person has IBS-C, he should eat pineapple. Pineapple is rich in fiber which softens the stool. Due to this, the patient gets rid of constipation and does not have to face much discomfort in the washroom. Now if a patient is constipated and he drinks pineapple juice, enzymes are present in the juice of this fruit which help in breaking down the food and the food becomes soft.

IBS-D and pineapples

If an IBS-D patient eats pineapple, bromelain is found in it, which creates immunity against bacteria in the gut and the patient has diarrhoea. Prevents diarrhea.

If an IBS-D patient drinks water after eating junk food, he may go into an emergency situation. Therefore, never use water after eating pineapple or drinking its juice.

In which case should pineapple be used?

  • Pineapple should be eaten when fully ripe.
  • If a patient eats raw form of pineapple, he will start showing symptoms of IBS.
  • People should not eat on an empty stomach.
  • If the pineapple juice is packed with syrup mixed with it, then do not drink this juice.

Is canned pineapple is good in IBS?

As far as canned pineapple consumption is concerned it is not very good in IBS. It can create disturbance gastrointestinal track. The main reason for this is that chemicals and preservatives present in the canned pineapple can cause the symptoms of IBS. So Canned pineapple should be avoided to consume. Only fresh one is good.

What should be done if symptoms of IBS appear after eating pineapple?

If any IBS patient facing

Written By:

Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir

Reviewed By:

  • Dr. Muhammad Khan Malik
  • Syeda Noor-ul-Ain Naqvi

For Reviewers Detail Click Here

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